Volpe's understanding evolution
ContentsrnPrefacernChapter 1- Variation in PopulationsrnChapter 2- Darwinian Scheme of EvolutionrnChapter 3- Heritable VariationrnChapter 4- MutationrnChapter 5- Genetic EquilibriumrnChapter 6- Concept of SelectionrnChapter 7- Selection in ActionrnChapter 8- Balanced PolymorphismrnChapter 9- Genetic Drift and Gene FlowrnChapter 10- Races and SpeciesrnChapter 11- Instantaneous SpeciationrnChapter 12- Adaptive RadiationrnChapter 13- Major Adaptive RadiationsrnChapter 14- Origin of LifernChapter 15- Molecular EvolutionrnChapter 16- History of LifernChapter 17- Emergence of the Human SpeciesrnChapter 18- Natural Selection, Social Behavior, and Cultural Evolution Epilogue Glossary.rn(source: Nielsen Book Data)rnSummaryrnAs an introduction to principles of evolution, this paperback text is ideally suited as a main text for general evolution or as a supplement for general biology, genetics, zoology, botany, anthropology or any life science course that utilizes evolution as the underlying theme.
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